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March 13, 2019
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Simmons Recycles!Simmons Recycles!

IMG 0133Eco Club is starting a paper recycling program. Simply, we will provide teachers/staff with a box for all paper recycling.  This includes construction paper, packets, shredded paper, basically anything without staples or tape.  We will pick up the paper on Fridays after school.   We will have teams of students going down the halls to collect on Fridays after school.  March  15 is our first collection day

We already have a dried/used marker recycling program going.If you have dried/used markers please take them to either Mr. Timm, Room 655, Ms. Meador, Room 130, Ms. Andres, Room 315, Mr. Musser,  Room 210. Thank you!

IMG 0133Eco Club is starting a paper recycling program. Simply, we will provide teachers/staff with a box for all paper recycling.  This includes construction paper, packets, shredded paper, basically anything without staples or tape.  We will pick up the paper on Fridays after school.   We will have teams of students going down the halls to collect on Fridays after school.  March  15 is our first collection day

We already have a dried/used marker recycling program going.If you have dried/used markers please take them to either Mr. Timm, Room 655, Ms. Meador, Room 130, Ms. Andres, Room 315, Mr. Musser,  Room 210. Thank you!